Let’s face it. Speeding is dangerous. If you’re a fan of speed, go on a track. If you’re on the track it doesn’t mean you’re safe, but you certainly are speeding legally. Now, if you’re a professional driver, on a legalized track, and a tractor, yes a tractor comes your way; then you have no luck at all. Hyundai driver, Thierry Neuville survived from a terrible accident that was going to either end his career or end his life. Out of nowhere, in the middle of the rally, a tractor came out...

Elephant vs. innocent Skoda station wagon!
Date :July 28, 2015
These ridiculously funny shots were captured at a circus in Denmark where the staff are clearly incredibly stupid. So on a sunny day, they decide to set three elephants free around the circus area, so they can let loose, smell the air and relax. Apparently the large crowd outside, agitated the elephants and when the handlers decided to lead the elephants back inside, they literally freaked out and it was hell. Then this one genius decides to hit the elephant, again, STUUUPID! So the...